[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /chat/lib/class/AJAXChatTemplate.php on line 55: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
www.marcianoantonio.it : Portal FAQ

Portal FAQ

embedded folder icon Introduction

Portal XL 5.0?

Portal XL 5.0 ~ Plain is a flexible and powerful portal solution which is dynamic, advanced and complete in features and configuration via phpBB3's ACP in a quick and efficient way.

Portal XL 5.0 ~ Plain is a phpBB3 value-ad that provides a portal front end to your phpBB 3.0.x forum application.

Minimum Requirements

Portal XL 5.0 ~ Plain has a few requirements which must be met before you are able to install and use it.

  • A webserver or web hosting account running on any major Operating System with support for PHP
  • A SQL database system, one of:
  • MySQL 3.23 or above (MySQLi supported)
  • PHP 4.3.3+ (>=4.3.3, >4.4.x, >5.x.x, >6.0-dev (compatible)) with support for the database you intend to use.
  • getimagesize() function need to be enabled
  • These optional presence of the following modules within PHP will provide access to additional features, but they are not required.
  • zlib Compression support
  • Remote FTP support
  • XML support
  • Imagemagick support
  • GD Support
The presence of each of these optional modules where checked during the installation process of phpBB 3.0.x already.

Available packages
With this release, there are two packages available.

  • Plain Package
    This version is the basic Portal XL 5.0 without any third party mods on board and contains source- and english language files along phpBB 3.0.x.
  • Premod Package
    This version is the pre-modified Portal XL 5.0 which includes several third party modifications and contains source-and english language files along phpBB 3.0.x.
Select whichever package is most suitable for you. Do not mix up both of this versions as you can expect really strange errors!
Please ensure you read the Portal XL 5.0 installation document before proceeding with installation or updates!


Who wrote this Portal?

This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyright Portal XL Group. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed.


embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Installation

Installation script Plain version!

Description of the first six tabs of the installation script of our Portal XL 5.0 Plain version.

Tab "INSTALL" is meant to create all new database entries for the Portal XL 5.0 Plain version and only those.
Tab "UPDATE" is meant for updating through a new version of Portal XL 5.0 Plain if there is one released.
Tab "REMOVE" will remove Portal XL 5.0 Plain without any remnants from your database.
Tab "BBCODE" will install custom bbCodes into your database.
Tab "CHMOD" will try to CHMOD directories or files for you if access is granted for such a procedure by your hosting company.

In case of returning through a plain phpBB3 choose tab "REMOVE", delete all files and folders in your forum directory except of file config.php, upload a fresh phpBB3 (remove file config.php and directory \install\ from that package). Important: Refresh forums cache, styles cache and browsers cache. Ready!

ATTENTION: if you have attachments in your messages do NOT delete directory \files\ in your forum root.
Users avatars are stored in directory \images\avatars\upload\, do NOT delete this folder if users have avatars defined.
Having additional Portal XL 5.0 Plain styles installed? Delete all additional styles except of both default once (prosilver, subsilver2) from ACP -> Styles first to overcome error messages like "Style data can not be found".

Note: as phpBB3 does CHMOD file config.php to 0644 (read only) by default, it is advised to change this to 0777 (write all) before invoking the Portal XL 5.0 installer to have that file writable during the installation procedure of Portal XL 5.0.

For Portal XL 5.0 Plain on *NIX related systems change the permissions on the following directories to be writeable by all (777 or -rwxrwxrwx within your FTP Client): /store/ to 0777, /cache/ to 0777, /files/ to 0777, /images/avatars/upload/ to 0777, files /images/counter/ip.txt to 0666 and at least /config.php to 0644.


Installation script Premod version!

The first six tabs of the installation script are as known from our Portal XL 5.0 Plain version.

  • Step of Tab "INSTALL" must have be done before installing the additional Portal XL 5.0 Premod database changes into your database.
  • If a recent Portal XL 5.0 Plain (Basic) version is installed into your database you can proceed with step "UPGRADE PREMOD".
Tab seven "UPGRADE PREMOD" is meant to create all new database entries for the premod and only those.
Tab eight "UPGRADE REMOVE" is for removing those entries including them from the standard installation without leaving any remnant.

Note: as phpBB3 does CHMOD file config.php to 0644 (read only) by default, it is advised to change this to 0777 (write all) before invoking the Portal XL 5.0 installer to have that file writable during the installation procedure of Portal XL 5.0.

Attention! Tab eight "UPGRADE REMOVE" will uninstall the Portal XL 5.0 Premod completely from your database.

Uninstallation of Portal XL 5.0 Premod!

In case of returning to a plain phpBB3 choose tab "UPGRADE REMOVE", delete all files and folders in your forum directory except config.php, upload a fresh phpBB3 (remove file config.php and directory \install\ from that package). Important: Refresh forums cache, styles cache and browsers cache. Ready!

To get back to a standard Portal XL 5.0 Plain choose tab "INSTALL" to install the database changes again, delete all files and folders in your forum directory except of file config.php, upload a fresh phpBB3 (remove file config.php and directory \install\ from that package) have the default files of Portal XL 5.0 Plain on hand for upload (remove directory \install\ from that package) to replace the phpBB3 files with. Important: Refresh forums cache, styles cache and browsers cache. Ready!

ATTENTION: if you have attachments in your messages do NOT delete directory \files\ in your forum root.
Users avatars are stored in directory \images\avatars\upload\, do NOT delete this folder if users have avatars defined.
Having additional Portal XL 5.0 Premod styles installed? Delete all additional styles except of both default once (prosilver, subsilver2) from ACP -> Styles first to overcome error messages like "Style data can not be found".

For Portal XL 5.0 Premod change the permissions on the following directories to be writeable by all (777 or -rwxrwxrwx within your FTP Client): /store/ to 0777, /cache/ and all their sub folders to 0777, /files/ to 0777,/mods/toplist_mod/cache/ to 0777, /images/avatars/upload/ to 0777, /dl_mod/thumbs/ and all their sub folders to 0777, /dl_mod/downloads/ and all their sub folders to 0777, /phpbb_seo/cache/ to 0777 /gym_sitemaps/cache/ to 0777, /mods/toplist_mod/cache, /mods/toplist_mod/images, /arcade, /arcade/gamedata, /arcade/games, /arcade/install, /images/counter/ip.txt to 0666 and at least /config.php to 0644.


embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Set-up

General block switch settings
There are seven settings possible here:

  • Automatically picture resize (pixel): Resize of pictures using the img-tag in messages which are placed as portal news. Recommended value 400px. To not resize signatures increase the value accordingly to the width of your signature plus some extra pixels.
  • Limit of displayed on-line friends: Limit display of on-line friends in block online_friends.html to a certain value (default is 8).
  • Limit of displayed last visited users: Limit display of last visited users in block whos_online.html to a certain value (default is 5).
  • Sort order portal news messages: This switch will affect the display order of messages in blocks such as announcemts, news etc. Yes = Latest message/reply first, No = First topic first.
  • Board wide tool tips: Display board wide tool tips Yes/No? The mouse over effect which shows title descriptions of images/links etc.
  • Portal Drag and Drop options: Possible switches are Yes/No? Globally enable/disable the Drag and Drop function of blocks in portal/index.

Announcements settings
There are two sections here:

Announcements settings
  • Number of announcements on Portal: 0 means infinite.
  • Number of days to display the announcement: 0 means infinite.
  • Max length of announcements: This value counts the characters that will be allowed to be displayed. 0 means infinite.
  • Global announcements forum ID: Forum we pull the articles from (you MUST specify a forum ID), separate by comma for multi-forums, eg. 1,2,5. Do not leave this field empty, 0 is required than.
Announcements pagination settings
  • Article repository: Display pagination Yes/No?.
    If enabled the article page numbers will be displayed under the last article in the block.
  • Show all types of messages: Display all messages Yes/No?
    All types of articles such as announcement, global announcement, sticky and normal will be counted in for the news section. The announcement section will count in global announcements and announcements only.
  • Pagination permissions: Allow permissions Yes/No? This switch is not in use yet!

News settings
There are two sections here:

News settings
  • Number of news on Portal: 0 means infinite.
  • Number of days to display the news: 0 means infinite.
  • Max length of news: This value counts the characters that will be allowed to be displayed. 0 means infinite.
  • Global news forum ID: Forum we pull the articles from (you MUST specify a forum ID), separate by comma for multi-forums, eg. 1,2,5. Do not leave this field empty, 0 is required than.
News pagination settings
  • Article repository: Display pagination Yes/No?.
    If enabled the article page numbers will be displayed under the last article in the block.
  • Show all types of messages: Display all messages Yes/No?
    All types of articles such as news, global news, sticky and normal will be counted in for the news section. The news section will count in global news and news only.
  • Pagination permissions: Allow permissions Yes/No? This switch is not in use yet!

Recent topics settings
Here you can change your recent topics information and certain specific options:

  • Limit of recent announcements/hot topics: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 10. Here you can set how much topics will be shown in several of the blocks.
  • Character limit for recent topic headers: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 10. This setting will shorten topic header descriptions in several blocks to not overstretch the block lay-out.

Wordgraph settings
Here you can change your wordgraph information and certain specific options:

  • How many words to display: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 50.
  • Include count values to display: Display count values per word eg. (25) Yes/No? . Installation default is No. This will show how often a word is counted in your database. The value will displayed after the word match.
  • Used aspect ratio word size: Installation default is 2. Change the aspect ratio (bigger/smaller) word size (default=4). This setting is relative to the value of displayed words. The more words, the more aspect ratio you can choose to make the words bigger.

Paypal settings
Here you can change your Paypal information and certain specific options:

  • Display paypal center: Display this block Yes/No?
  • Display paypal small: Display this block Yes/No?
  • Paypal account to use: Enter your Paypal e-mail address you used for your account eg. xxx@xxx.com.

Attachments settings
Here you can change your attachments information and certain specific options:

  • Limit of displayed attachments: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 10. This value affects several of the used blocks to show how much rows of information in a certain block will be displayed.

Latest members settings
Here you can change your latest members information and certain specific options:

  • Limit of displayed latest members: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 10. This value show how much rows of members will be displayed in the block.

Poll/Survey settings
Here you can change your poll information and certain specific options:

  • Display poll from which topic ID: Installation default is 0. Topic ID (topic number) that holds the actual poll which you would like to display the info from, set to 0 (do not leave that field empty) to pull nothing.
  • Display poll from which forum ID: Installation default is 2. Forum ID (forum number) that holds the actual poll which you would like to display the info from, set to 0 (do not leave that field empty) to pull nothing.
  • Display poll from which post ID: Installation default is 0. Post ID (post number) that holds the actual poll which you would like to display the info from, set to 0 (do not leave that field empty) to pull nothing.

Visiting Bots settings
Here you can change your visiting bots information and certain specific options:

  • How many bots to display: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 8.

Most poster settings
Here you can change your most poster information and certain specific options:

  • How many most posters to display: 0 means infinite. Installation default is 8.

Welcome settings
Here you can change your most poster information and certain specific options:

  • Welcome message guest users: Change the welcome messages for guest users. Max. 2000 characters (html allowed)! All text after that limit will be cut off automatically.
  • Welcome message registered users: Change the welcome messages for registered users. Max. 2000 characters (html allowed)! All text after that limit will be cut off automatically.

Weather settings
Weather settings for wetter.com from Germany
  • Display weather for German wetter.com: Installation default is No.
  • Your zip code: Enter your local zip code here to display your area weather from German wetter.com
Weather settings for alternate weather sites, you can define 3 different site in each of the three windows.
  • Your alternate weather URL: Paste your complete weather URL inhere to link to your alternate area weather. Leave empty for no display.

Scroll Message
The marquee tag is a non-standard HTML markup element type which causes text onscreen to scroll from right to left across the screen. The default width of the MARQUEE element is equal to the width of its parent element.

  • Display scroll message?: Display this block Yes/No? Installation default is Yes.
  • Display scroll/marquee effect?: Display this block Yes/No? Installation default is Yes.
  • Text color: HEX or named colors are allowed such as #ffffff for white, or color names like vilolet. Default is #ff0000.
  • Font size: Font size for the text in pixel. Default is 10px.
  • Scroll direction: Scroll direction for the text. This attribute controls the direction of scrolling. Permissible values are left, right, up and down specifying the end of the box that the scroll starts from.
  • Scroll amount: This controls the amount of movement (in pixels) between the successive displays that give the impression of animation.
  • Scroll delay: This controls the delay (in milliseconds) between the successive displays that give the impression of animation.
  • Scroll align: This tag can take one of the values top, middle and bottom. It controls the positioning of the marquee display box relative to the current text in exactly the same manner as the img tag's align attribute.
  • Scroll behavior: This tag controls the behaviour of the displayed text. There are three possible values. Text scrolling starts as soon as the page is downloaded, not when the user firsts scrolls the marquee into view.
    ~ scroll text scrolls across display and re-appears from the other end when it has disappeared from one end. This is the default behaviour.
    ~ slide this is similar to scroll except that when the sliding text reaches the far end of the box, it disappears and restarts at the starting end of the box. If the display is not looping then the text remains positioned at the far end of the box.
    ~ alternate text "bounces" between the ends of the box.
  • Scroll bgcolor: This tag controls the background colour of the display box.
  • Scroll height: This controls the height of the display box.
  • Scroll width: This controls the width of the display box.
  • Scroll hspace: This controls the horizontal space around the display box.
  • Scroll vspace: This controls the vertical space around the display box.
  • Scroll loop: The value of this attribute controls the number of display cycles. The values -1 and infinite both mean continue indefinitely.
Scrollable Text.
  • Scroll message text: Add/change a scrollable message here. Up to 1000 characters plain text is possible, html is allowed, cookies are enabled! All text after the character limit will be cut off automatically.

META Tags Settings
These tags will allow you to give a description of your website to the search engine.
This will allow the search engine to index your site better.
Furthermore, these tags allow other options such as automatic redirect to another URL:

  • Redirection Time (sec): Specifies a delay in seconds before the browser automatically redirect the document to an URL specified. The number before the URL is the delay in seconds which the browser will "pause" before the redirect is performed. Leave blank for No automatically redirection.
  • Redirection Adress (URL): Specifies a URL the browser automatically redirect the document to after above specifyed redirection time. Leave blank for No automatically redirection!
  • META Refresh: Specifies a delay in seconds before the browser automatically reloads the document. The number is the delay in seconds which the browser will "pause" before the refresh is performed. Enter a number in seconds. Leave blank for No automatically refresh!
  • META Pragma: Prohibit the record of the page in the cache memory of the browser. - To use this tag, enter no-cache, if not, left empty.
  • META Keywords: Function: Indicate to the search engines the key words related with your site.
    - Maximum number of characters: 1000 or 100 key words.
    - In the number of characters, do not forget to count the accentuated letters once coded in HTML. For example the letter "�", coded &à in HTML counts for eight characters.
    - You should not repeat several times the same key word (the search engines do not like it).
    - The key words are separate by a comma, a space or a comma and a space, it is your choice.
  • META Description: Description of your site.
    - Maximum number of characters: 200
    - Avoid the accents, on certain engines they are not taken into account.
  • META Author: Allows identification of the site author.
    - Put the first name into tiny, followed by the family name in capital letter.
    - If you wish, you can put several authors separated by a comma.
  • META Identifier-url: Makes possible to specify the URL.
    - Enter the URL of your home page.
    - You must specify only one URL.
  • META Reply-to: Allows to specify the email of the webmaster. It is preferable to put only one address.
  • META Revisit-after: Allows you to specafiy the number of days before the spider (robot of the engine) will index your site. - 15 days" or "30 days" are the best options.
  • META Category: Allows to specify the category of your site. Used by certain engines which give a classification by category.
  • META Copyright: Typically an unqualified copyright statement.
    - You can include copyright, trademarks, patents, or other information here pertaining to your intellectual property.
  • META Generator: Typically the name and version number of a publishing tool used to create the page.
    - Could be used by tool vendors to assess market penetration.
    - Same tags as meta publisher.
  • META Robots: Controls search engine robots on a per-page basis.
    - all = The bot index all the site (by default)
    - none = The bot do not index your site at all
    - index = your page is indexed
    - noindex = Your page is'nt indexed but the bot will follow the link of your page
    - follow = The bot take note of your the link on your page for indexing them after.
    - nofollow = The bot do not index the link on your page.
    - noodp = Opting Out of Open Directory Listings for Webmasters (Live Search Microsoft). This tells the MSN search bot not to use the DMOZ site snippet, only MSN ignores ODP content for your page.
  • META Distribution: There are three classifications of distribution of your web content:
    - Global (the entire web)
    - Local (reserved for the local IP block of your site)
    - IU (Internal Use, not for public distribution).
  • META Date-creation-yyyy: Creation year of your site eg. 2009.
  • META Date-creation-mm: Creation month of your site eg. 04.
  • META Date-creation-dd: Creation day of your site eg. 12.
  • META Date-revision-yyyy: Creation year of your site eg. 2009.
  • META Date-revision-mm: Creation month of your site eg. 08.
  • META Date-revision-dd: Creation day of your site eg. 21.

Counter settings
Settings for animate digits IP tracking counter.

Counter display settings:
  • Counter display mode: Select display modes for counter. Note: You have always to click/activate Display as images or Display as text, before saving changes made to other settings below.
Counter digits settings:
  • Digits path: Path of digits under your phpBB root dir. Default is images/counter/digits
  • Animate digits path: Path of animate digits under your phpBB root dir. Default is images/counter/digits_ani
  • Number of digits: Number of digits which you want to display in counter.
  • Digits width: Width of digits.
  • Digits height: Height of digits.
Counter IP blocking settings:
  • Allow blocking IP: Allow tracking/blocking IP addresses from counter. This option will make your counter work correctly: hits will not increase if any users refresh their browser in blocking time which you can setting below.
  • IP blocking time: Number of seconds the counter tracking/blocking every IP addresses.
  • IP log file: Path of IP log file under your phpBB root dir. Default is images/counter/ip.txt. Required if you enabled Allow blocking IP option.

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Blocks Set-up

Block management portal

From this form, you can create/edit/move/delete blocks and block items for portal view. The portal does have three sections of powerful block management which do behave apart from each other. That way you have the ability to have different blocks on different forum pages like portal, index, viewforum/viewtopic. All directions are allowed to move your blocks into. There are five columns available to place your blocks in, top, left, centre, right and bottom. The positions of different blocks will have the same arrangement on public page, as you will see on your setup page.

Edit/change a column width:
  • Display column layout on portal: Enable/Disable Yes/No? This main switch is able to switch on/off the left and right columns by one click without the use of the options below, centre column will resize to full forum width.
  • Left column width: Change the width of left portal column in pixel, recommended value is 180. For styles using a special mark up it can be necessary to increase or decrease that value.
  • Left column active: Enable/Disable left portal column Yes/No?
  • Right column width: Change the width of right portal column in pixel, recommended value 180. For styles using a special mark up it can be necessary to increase or decrease that value.
  • Right column active: Enable/Disable right portal column Yes/No?

Description of the block management icons

The available icons will differ on different blocks. The centre block will carry out all icons as that column does have the ability to move out in any direction immediately.

  • Edit Block Edit Block
  • Move to column on it left Move to column on its left
  • Option is disabled for the moment Option is disabled for the moment
  • Move down the block one row Move down the block one row
  • Block enabled Block enabled (using resources).
  • Block disabled Block disabled (not using resources).
  • Move up one step to the upper column Move up one step to the upper column
  • Move down one step to lower column Move down one step to lower column
  • Move to column on its right Move to column on its right
  • Delete Block Delete Block

Edit/Create a block

The main creation/edit part to have pre-defined or custom blocks on hand for use in any of the block sections

  • Name of block: Unique name for your block. This name will be displayed in Title of your block on the portal's frontpage.
  • Image displayed in block header: Choose a icon to use in front of the block description. If you don't like a icon on that place choose blank.gif than.
  • Available mini icons: Preview of available mini icons you can choose from (images have placed in the folder /portal/images/icon_menu/ if you would like to add more mini icons). Recommended icon size is 16px x 16px. Allowed file extensions are .gif, .jpg and .png.
  • Content: Content of the custom block content goes inhere. Html is allowed in this box. If you use this field to customize your portal block you must choose blank_custom_block.html as Html file from the drop down option to display the content in a block. blank_custom_block.html can be chosen as often as you need.
  • Html file: Select a pre-defined block (*.html file) for block use.
  • Position: Define to which column this block should be added to. Possible options are top, left, center, right and bottom.
  • Block permissions: Set who can see the block. Possible options are All, Registered, Moderator, Administrator and Guest.
  • Block Activation: Display this block Yes/No? Note: if a block is disabled no server resources should be used due to the included automatic block switch management.

Creating custom blocks of your own

The block management is written that way you can easily add your own made blocks into. To clear it more out follow the guide below.

  • The custom php block goes into directory \portal\block\, like name-of-the-new-php-file.php.
  • The corresponding html block into directory \template\portal\block\, like name-of-the-new-html-file.html of your style (place the new html file in all styles you have installed, otherwise you will get a error message of missing template file when certain style is used by other users).
  • Hint: use \portal\block\blank_block.php to fill with your code, choose a unique name for your custom block and save, use the same file name for both block files changing the extension only.
  • In the 'body' part of your new php file change blank_block.html against name-of-the-new-html-file.html.
  • When done your custom block will be available in portal's block management from on that moment.
  • Important: refresh cache if needed!

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Menus Set-up

Navigation Menu

From this form, you can create/edit/move/delete a custom Menu Item. Icons for use in this menu are placed in directory /portal/images/icon_menu/. Recommended icon size is 16px x 16px. Allowed file extensions are .gif, .jpg and .png. Add as many icons as you like but keep in mind the preview will show them all, which will stretch the Available mini icons window in the edit menu or add menu section. Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/" for a external link. Internal links can be added like "portal.php" to call a certain file from your site, or "memberlist.php?mode=leaders" or "faq.php?mode=portal" etc. to call a certain function of your forum from out of the navigation menu.

  • Image displayed in Menu links: Choose a icon from the drop down to use in front of the menu link. If you don't like a icon on that place choose blank.gif than.
  • Available mini icons: Preview of available mini icons you can choose from (images have placed in folder /portal/images/icon_menu/ if you like to add more mini icons).
  • Link name displayed in Portal menu: This will be the name of the click able menu link.
  • Url of opening window: The url can be written as followed. Example: index.php for internal links, http://google.com for external links.
  • Determines who can view the link on the portal: Set who can see the link. Possible options are All, Registered, Moderator, Administrator and Guest.
  • Open in: Determines how this link will be opened. Yes = in new window, No = in same window

Create a Menu placeholder using HTML

A Menu place holder is very simple to realize by embedding html into the "Link name displayed in Portal menu:" field.

When your Menu place holder is created, move the new entry up or down into the desired position.


embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Quotations Set-up

Quotation management

From this form, you can create/edit/delete Quotes. You can add as many quotations as you like to show in this block, but there is a limit for random display of 1 quote set.

Adding or editing a quote
  • Quotation: Text of your quotation goes inhere.
  • Author: Name of the original author, place Unknown if not known.

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Links Set-up

Links management

From this form, you can create/edit/move/delete a custom link Item. Icons for use in this menu are placed in directory /portal/images/icon_links/. Recommended icon size is 16px x 16px. Allowed file extensions are .gif, .jpg and .png. Add as many icons as you like but keep in mind the preview will show them all, which will stretch the Available mini icons window in the edit menu or add menu section. Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/" for a external link.

Edit link
  • Image displayed in links block: Choose a icon to use in front of the link.
  • Available mini icons: Preview of available mini icons you can choose from (images have placed in folder /portal/images/icon_menu/ if you like to add more mini icons).
  • Link name displayed in portal links block: This will be the name of the click able link.
  • Url of opening window: The url can be written as followed. Example: index.php for internal links, http://google.com for external links.
  • Determines who can view the link on the portal: Set who can see the link. Possible options are All, Registered, Moderator, Administrator and Guest.

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Banners Set-up

Partners management 88x31px

From this form you can create/edit/delete a partners Items. Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/" for a external link. Internal links to banners can be added like "portal/images/banners/88x31/yourdomain.com.gif". Max image size 88x31 pixel, bigger images will be resized to that value in the portal block. You can add as much partners as you like to show in this block, set your limit for random display of the logo's below.

Displayed simultaneously banners
  • Displayed simultaneously banners: Set how many banners will be shown in this block by random.
Adding or editing a partner
  • Site url: Partner Site url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Logo url: Partner Logo url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Description: Partner description such as main directive or thema of that site.

Banners management horizontal 400x60px

From this form, you can create/edit/delete a banners Items. Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/", like "portal/images/banners/400x60/yourdomain.com.gif" for horizontal banners. Max image size 400x60px, bigger images will be resized to that value. You can add as many banners as you like to show in this block, there is a limit for random display of 1 logo set. ACP view of banners is resized to half of the real size. Public view of banners is set to 400px x 60px automatically.

  • Site url: Banner Site url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Logo url horizontal 400x60px: Banner Logo url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Description: Banner description such as main directive or theme of that site.

Banners management vertical 130x600px

From this form, you can create/edit/delete a banners Items. Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/", like "portal/images/banners/130x600/yourdomain.com.gif" for vertical banners. Max image size 130x600px, bigger images will be resized to that value in the portal block. You can add as many banners as you like to show in this block, there is a limit for random display of 1 logo set. ACP view of banners is resized to half of the real size. Public view of banners is set to 130px x 600px automatically.

  • Site url: Banner Site url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Logo url vertical 130x600px: Banner Logo url, Path is relative to the forums root directory, i.e. "http://www.yourdomain.com/".
  • Description: Banner description such as main directive or theme of that site.

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Mods Page Set-up

Manage Mod's Database

From this form you can maintain your Mod's Database, create/edit/delete Mod's from here. This section gives credits to authors which mod is added as value add through the forum setup.

Adding or editing a mod
  • Mod Title: Short but descriptive title of the Mod.
  • Version: Version number eg. 0.4B5.
  • Version Type: Alpha, Beta, Dev or RC*.
  • Description: Description of your Mod goes inhere. A clear description can be taken from a mod's install description most of the time.
  • Author: Name of the original author, place Unknown if not known.
  • URL: Specify a site URL for this modification (link to mod -description or -topic).
  • Download: Specify a download URL for this modification (direct link to download from).

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Forum Adds Set-up

Forum Advertisement management

The forum advertisement's can be managed here. You can add as many advertisement's as you like to show in viewtopic, all entries will be displayed randomly.

Add advertisement
  • Name: Name of the advertisement which should be used as header description.
  • Ad's content: Content for use in the advertisement. Use of smiles and html is allowed here.
  • Forums: Fill in the ID of the forum or forums that can show this advertisement, several forums must be separated by a comma.
  • Forums: Show in all Forums? Yes/No?
  • Active: Show the advertisement? Yes/No/Guest only?
  • Ad's views: The amount of views for this advertisement. Reset to 1 if the value of max. views is reached to enable that announcement again. Example: given max. views is 100, the counter will count till 101 and will disable that announcement automatically.
  • Max. views: The maximum amount of views for this advertisement. If set to 100 the views counter will count till 101 and will disable that announcement automatically.
  • Position: From which position in viewtopic screen should the advertisement to be displayed? Possible choices are "After the first post", "After each post", "Above the posts" and "Under the posts".

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 News Feeds Set-up

Manage RSS Feed's Database

From this form you can maintain your RSS Feed's Database, create/edit/delete rivers of news Feed's from here to show on portal's, index or viewforum/viewtopic page.

General feeds settings
  • Cache time: Maximum age of the cache file for a feed before it is updated, in seconds (default is 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds). Default is 3600.
  • Items limit: Maximum items/rows to show for a single feed. Default is 5.
  • Random limit: Maximum feeds to randomize in the block. Default is 4.
Adding or editing a feed
  • Feed Title: Short but descriptive title of the Feed which will be show as header description.
  • Feed URL: Specify a site URL for this feed (link to feed -description or -topic). This must be a valid xml or rss link.
  • Show Yes/No?: Show this feed Yes/No?:
  • Show this feed on which position?: Specify on wich side of the RSS block this entry will appear. Left or right position.

embedded folder icon Portal XL 5.0 Acronyms Set-up

Acronym and abbreviation management

From this form, you can create/edit/delete acronyms. Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations, such as NATO, laser, and IBM, that are formed using the initial letters of words or word parts in a phrase or name. Acronyms and initialisms are usually pronounced in a way that is distinct from that of the full forms for which they stand: as the names of the individual letters (as in IBM), as a word (as in NATO), or as a combination (as in IUPAC). You can add as many acronyms as you like to process.

General acronym settings
  • Allow acronyms: Activate acronyms boardwide Yes/No?
Adding or editing a acronym
  • Acronym: Initial letters of words or word parts of your acronym goes inhere.
  • Acronym phrase: Phrase output of the above acronym.
  • Url to link to: Ad here a link the acronym should point to.